Application for online auctions & participation info
All creative interested parties, the best way to reach us is on Instagram with a short application via DM. Please tell us the name of your of the work, estimated selling price (if it would be sold normally), email address and send a photo of it. Everything will be kept confidential and will not be shared.
When the short application via DM or similar is completed and you will participate online, you will receive an email with the question list for the entry and four extra questions. Together we will agree on the auction date. You can also copy and prepare the question list below and send it later by email or fill it out directly in the email reply. Now you will find more information on how to fill out the list and the pictures you send.
To indicate artist/designer/…: Please select/add the appropriate name and delete the rest. Under the name please add something about you and your work. Please see examples. If you want to write more, please do so in the comment at the end. It should be a short, clear list at first.
About the choice of the organization: It would be nice if all organizations are chosen once and it is reasonably well distributed. Therefore it would be good if you would write down several NGOs, if you should like several well. Then we would still select among the mentioned ones after as similar a distribution as possible. If only one comes into question for you, then so be it.
To the indication work of art/design object/…: Please select/add appropriate description and delete others. A short description with materials and year. Please see examples. Three (not two!) dimensions are requested under the short description. If a frame or the like belongs to it, please specify and include in the dimensions.
To indicate the minimum bid, cost and donation: The minimum bid should be about half of what the work would normally cost at a market, fair, or similar. It is composed of the cost (shipping separately + material/packaging together) and the donation. The donation must be at least 50 € (for small crafts 20 € for a set). The amount results from this calculation. You would have to look up the shipping costs, as they are visible and should be mentioned correctly beforehand. The material and packaging costs will be looked up or estimated as well as possible. So again in short: Minimum donation (from 50 € (20 €)) + shipping + material/packing = minimum bid (= 1/2 UK price). Please do not compose the costs differently. You can see these uniform details in a sample image of our post below. Cent sums please round up or balance in costs so that smooth € sums are given.
For the end of the auction: ? We will coordinate the date, taking into account the social media plan. The auction is 8 weeks long and starts (5 pm) and ends (6 pm) on the same day of the week. Other wishes otherwise please note. You should have time to answer at the end. To make it ready for dispatch, would also go on the other day. If certain weekdays (Mo. – Fr.) should fit badly, please write here to it. There is a possibility to make the work available for up to 6 months longer. In this case it can be purchased at the minimum bid and is then immediately gone. If it is sold elsewhere before, please let us know shortly, then the offer ends.
To the contact option: The Instagram name and all other details of the question list are of course necessary for the auction, but not all other contact details. Since the posts also appear on the website, facebook and LinkedIn, bids could also come in from those who are not on Instagram. So please include at least the email address. This is optional, but increases the chance of a good auction. If you don’t specify another social media contact, just delete the query under the email address. Otherwise, please select accordingly / delete and fill out.
Regarding the location: This information is added to the picture and can increase the visibility and interest the potential bidders. They might ask for a pickup if possible. Please specify the location, which is possible on Instagram, possibly also the country, if not in the FRG.
About the photos and images of the contribution: Please send only good, attractive photos (jpg/jepg) as email attachments. The resolution must be 600 – 1936 pixels on each side, preferably 1080. This is important so that the picture can be used for advertising. Otherwise it could not be included in the overview post of all offers. In the following we name here, which pictures you please send to us. There can be a maximum of 7 photos (incl. possibly a small film or a text/collage picture).
- Cover image: a full-format photo of the work, cleanly cropped, which we will integrate into our frame.
- 1-2 Surrounding image(s): if available, an image of the work on the wall or with some decoration or other surroundings. Square crop.
- Portrait++: If available and ok with you, a portrait in upright format would be nice to combine with name + NGO in the frame.
- 1-4 detail image(s): Detail of the work with different perspective if necessary. Square cut.
- „You would like to have this work (Du möchtest dieses Werk haben)“ text image – from us.
- Details of the costs – overview – from us (one example in the FRG, the other from the EU)
- Like, comment, save, share, thank you! Image – from us
Two examples of each of the given images, from our text images at the end only one:

The list to be filled in shows what is to be posted. It is the finished text. The brackets should only be replaced (then without brackets, please delete what is not applicable at „…/…“) against your information. The first sentence is only an example, there is some variation.
Please read the above information thoroughly beforehand and check afterwards whether everything has been filled in and answered. This saves time and effort by sending several emails. Thank you very much!
Today we present a new artwork by artist/designer/artisan/… @(Insta-Name) 🤩:
„(name of the art)“
👩🎨 artist/designer/…: (name)
(short description)
🌱 She/He would like to support @(Insta name of organization) with the proceeds.
🖼 Artwork/design object/or similar: (short description).
(? × ? x ? cm)
💸 Minimum bid (FRG), ~ ½ of the usual price: (?) €
End of the auction: (?) at 18.00 clock
For more info, check out the slides.
Bid directly in the comments or send an email to:
📧 (email address)
Possibly Facebook/LinkedIn/… : (the corresponding social media name).
🌐 (link of the website or similar)
Remarks, if any: (?)
Any other details for the image with details:
Shipping incl. liability (up to 500 €) & tracking from dhl in the FRG: (?) €.
Shipping in the EU, as above: (?) €
If this is the same: Shipping worldwide or similar (?) €
Material and packing: (?) € …if the shipping has a crooked cent sum, please make it round again with this.
Donation of at least (minimum is here 50 (20) €) : (?, results what is left) €
Location (as picture info): (?)
Print-on-demand Variant
All the info to fill in the list is the same. There are some differences in the list. In the article three works are offered as print (on request, perhaps, only two). So on the cover there are three photos. Then follow one complete picture and one detail, all cut square (six in all). Then the portrait ++ image and the three text images from us. All three images must fit either for the rectangular format or for the square format. Examples of the contribution images are these:

Today we present a print-on-demand offering from artist/designer/artisan/… @(insta-name) 🤩:
A) „(name of work A)“
B) „(name of the work B)“
C) „(name of work C)“
👩🎨 artist:in/designer:in/…: (name)
(short description)
🌱 She/He would like to support @(Insta name of organization) with the proceeds.
🖼 Artwork/design object/or similar: (Short description of original).
A) (Short description of the original A)
B) (Brief description of original B)
C) (Short description of the original C)
End of the offer: (?) at 6:00 p.m.
💸 Prices, sizes and variants (FRG)
Printing price (> artist:in incl. fee) + donation (> NGO) = final amount:
🔸️ Fixed posters (Blue Angel):
1) DIN A3 (29,7 x 42 cm): 28 + 30 = 58 €
2) DIN A2 (42 x 59,4 cm): 31 + 35 = 66 €
3) 50 x 70 cm: 32 + 40 = 72 €
🔸️Canvases made of recycled paper:
4) 30 x 40 cm: 36 + 40 = 76 €
5) 60 x 80 cm: 56 + 65 = 120 €
6) 70 x 100 cm: 67 + 80 = 147 €
Alternatively: For square images:
The posters are only possible rectangular, they must then be cut themselves.
🔸️Leinwände made of recycled paper:
4) 40 x 40 cm: 43 + 45 = 88 €
5) 60 x 60 cm: 57 + 60 = 117 €
6) 80 x 80 cm: 76 + 70 = 146 €
Other variants and frames can be requested individually from the artist. For each additional work of one! order can be deducted 10 € each.
📦 The order is created by the end of the offer time by the artist. The print shop sends directly to the new owner. Delivery time of the print shop after paid order: Approx. 4-7 working days.
More information can be found in the slides. Details about the print-on-demand offer can be found in the post of the same name from June 27.
Write your desired image (e.g. A1) directly in the comments or send an email to:
📧 (email address)
Possibly Facebook/LinkedIn/… : (the corresponding social media name)
🌐 (link of the website or similar)
Remarks, if any: (?)
Location (as image info): (?)
During the auction/offer
We post an offer announcement, the offer and an announcement of the end. With the offer post, we invite collab partnership, which you please just accept. The visibility of these posts appearing on two accounts is double to triple. From each of these posts we create a story where we link you. And also an announcement of the end one day before, so 4 stories. Please share them at least once at the beginning and once at the end.
During the auction or print-on-demand offer, you should check the offer post and announcements from time to time and reply to comments. We do that too, but it concerns your art and then a thank you or similar would be nice. If something acutely important is commented, we link you there.
Especially great would be an extra carousel post about your offer with us and the chosen organization. Should we be invited as a collab partner and we like the post and it offers added value to ours, we accept this. This could also very much be a nice reel, including a small film of you and the work in the studio for example, or a camera pan over the work.
Please reply to bids/orders, especially at the end, so that you, the possible bidders and we are informed about the outcome. Please take care of the shipping shortly after, after payment and donations have been received.