Auction for Climate Action
Auction for Climate Action is a voluntary initiative, generating donations by auctioning art & design for climate protection projects.
There are three ways in which donations can be generated:
1) There are several possibilities via live events, but especially live auctions.
2) Art can be presented at exhibitions in restaurants, doctor practices, salons, etc., with simultaneous online auctions through us.
3) Online auctions can take place again as soon as we have reached a certain size and visibility. These will mainly take place in the respective posts on Instagram. They will also be displayed here as (Instagram) posts (buttons below) and on Facebook and on LinkedIn so that others can also bid. There are various contact options for the creative contributors. so that others can bid as well, depending on the contact option of the of the artist or designer.
How does it work?
Artists or designers can offer a work of art or object for auction without any additional fees. The auctions through us give you the opportunity to bid for these works and „incidentally“ donate to our climate. Everyone can take part in the online auctions.
Everyone involved benefits from this form of auction! Works of art or design objects find a new home and the happy owners reimburse the financial costs (as stated or 10% of the bid, whichever is more) for the artists and donate to climate protection measures. The creators have the opportunity to make an even greater impact with their art and donate without financial means. The new owners will forever associate a special story with the artwork.
The bid is simply written to the artist in social media posts or by email. The bidder with the highest bid at the end makes the payment and receives the work. There are no further costs. Climate protection is a matter close to our hearts, which is why art & design is offered on a voluntary basis without any fees. The transaction takes place directly and without any detours between the creative creators and bidders. We are not involved in the process.
For all payments, please note the reference „AfCA, date of auction“ so that NGOs know it is auction proceeds. Thank you!
The general terms of use and data protection provisions apply.
Picture: Art/Design of the bidder > Benefactor > donation to organization for measurements. Plus: Benefactor > reimbursement financial costs of the bidder
Where can I find something here?
In the menu Protagonists all previous creative participants are listed under Artists and Designers. There you can also see which works are still available by sorting them. You will also find the Info for the creatives and the Organizations as donation recipients in text and pictures.You can find out how you can help even more under Volunteers.
Under Online & Live appearances you will find information about live events and also about online entries, memberships, networks, publications and mentions. There you will also find information on past and upcoming live events. The past events and auctions are listed individually as examples: a single auction at the Hamburger Originale (we are a member of them) and a longer auction on the Day of German Unity. The new blog option for all participants and helpers can also be found here.
Actors. By sorting them, you can also see which works are still available and you can also access the information for the creatives there. The menu also lists the organizations as donation recipients in text and images. You can find out how you can help even more under Supporters.
Under Team & Contact you can find out who can contact us. Everyone who has helped or is helping with Auction for Climate Action is listed there. You may sign up for email notification.
QR codes of our pages and accounts to show off
where do the donations go to?
The proceeds are donated directly to cooperating non-profit organizations in the field of climate and environmental protection. All are generally recognized in Germany. Four respected and generally recognized NGOs are available for the creatives to choose from. You can find more information about them in the menu link, but here is a short list:
- For environmental, climate and consumer protection in Germany and worldwide: Deutsche Umwelthilfe
- On a mission to re-green Africa, cool the earth and inspire millions in the process: Justdiggit
- Working for the environment worldwide for more than 20 years. For a livable planet for all: Global Nature Fund
- Climate protection through education: Deutsche KlimaStiftung
And how?
Successful bidders can use these links to quickly and easily access the donation pages and make donations. Also for events. For all payments, the intended use “AfCA, event/exhibition, date of auction” must be noted so that the NGOs know that the proceeds are from the auction. The artists then check the payment(s), hand over the work and inform us about it. Thank you!
We have listed the options here and linked the donation pages:
- Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. : SEPA direct debit, PayPal, Credit carte, G Pay, Klarna immediate bank transfer
- Justdiggit: Credit card, iDEAL, Sofort Banking, Bancontact
- Global Nature Fund: SEPA direct debit, PayPal, Kreditkarte, G Pay
- Deutsche KlimaStiftung: SEPA direct debit, PayPal, bank transfer